- Mesaj Pentru Europa
- Shoot Yourself
- Bagabontii
- Omu Din Liftu Tau
- Mari Romani
- Necomercial
- Violent
- Jos Cenzura
- Fuck You Romania
- Degeneratia Urmatoare
- Praf
- In Focuri
- Live at Mtv Awards 2004
Ombladon available videos:
- Parazitii Interview (during Cronica Carcotasilor)
Known for songs like "Bad Joke" and "Playback", the group was subject to restrictions by the National Audiovisual Council, due to heavy language. Television and radio stations were fined for playing some of their videos/songs and two videos were banned outright. This motivated their song "Jos cenzura!" ("Down with Censorship!") which criticized the Social Democratic government and was released shortly before the local elections in June 2004. (Parazitii - Wikipedia)
Tags: Parazitii, rap, Hip Hop, Hip Hop Videos
as vrea mai multe videoclipuri cu parazitii
e super siteul asta
Ma bucur ca iti place.
Incerc sa mai pun Parazitii :)
Pana mai scot ei videoclipuri, mai bine veniti marti, 23 ianuarie, la ora 17 pe Calea Victoriei si-i vedeti pe viu la Total Request Live Romania. Pentru cei interesati, de marti incepe pe MTV TRL, iar ei sunt primii invitati. Veniti, stati in public, puneti o intrebare, baietii va raspund...
e super siteul zice!!!e raiu' pe pamant in plm!!!P4R4Z¡T¡! f0rc3!!!
Cel mai complet site Parazitii (Cheloo, Ombladon, Freakadadisk): Biografie, Discografie, Imagini, Videoclipuri, Concerte live, Remixuri, Versuri, Interviuri, forum de discutii.
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